Friday, January 24, 2020

Studies Pertaining to the Clinical Aspects of Malaria :: Health, Diseases

STUDIES PERTAINING TO THE CLINICAL ASPECTS OF MALARIA Malaria is a complex condition exhibiting different manifestations in different parts of the world depending on a few variables (Bin Mohanna et al. 2007). It was found that anemia and splenomegaly are significantly associated with malaria among asymptomatic schoolchildren in Hajr valley, Hadramout (Bin Mohanna et al. 2007). Agina and Abd-Allah (1999) conducted a case control study for the association of nitric oxide levels to the severity and outcomes of cerebral malaria in Yemeni in-patients. The main clinical presentations in cerebral malaria patients were fever (76.4%), pallor (72.0%), hypoglycemia (67.4%), splenomegaly (60.5%), deep coma (39.5%), jaundice (18.6%), pulmonary oedema (13.9%), subconjunctival hemorrhage (13.9%), severe anemia (53.5%), and hemoglobinuria (6.9%) while in non-cerebral malaria patients the clinical presentations were fever (83.8%), pallor (67.7%), splenomegaly (66.0%), jaundice (9.7%), severe anemia (51.6%) and hypoglycemia (3.2%) . The serum level of ni tric oxide was found to be higher in patients with cerebral malaria than those without. In cerebral malaria, nitric oxide levels were highly elevated in patients with deeper coma and longer duration of coma as well as those who died of cerebral malaria indicating its association with indices of disease severity and outcome in patients with cerebral malaria (Agina and Abd-Allah, 1999). Sheiban et al. (1998) studied severe acute renal failure secondary to falciparum malaria among children receiving antimalarial therapy and other supportive therapy as well as peritoneal dialysis referred to the renal unit at Al-Thawra Hospital in Sana’a. In this study, it was concluded that significant differences were found between children who died (43.8%) compared to those who survived regarding age, plasma creatinine, plasma bilirubin, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, hemoglobin concentration, urine output, and time from diagnosis to referral. However, gender, alanine aminotransferase level, degree of fever, plasma sodium or potassium levels were not found to be statistically different between these two groups (Sheiban et al. 1998). The author found that previous immunity, as indicated by presence of splenomegaly, was associated with better prognosis both in terms of lower mortality and less hemodynamic disturbance which was evident in the older children owing to pre vious exposure to malarial infection, and therefore development of immunity (Sheiban et al. 1998). It is important to note that malaria was reported to be the cause of 5.9% of chronic renal failure in patients undergoing regular hemodialysis in Hadramout governorate (Badheeb 1998). Recently, Al Rohani et al. (2011) reported that malaria is the most common infectious disease causing acute renal failure (ARF) in Yemeni patients.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fangirl Essay

There are some kinds of love in this universe. Without love, a human being will not be able to live normally and there will be something empty inside their hearts. This can be love for our God, parents, families, lovers, or maybe just for our bestfriends. But now just think about this case: how about love for someone that we have never even met before? Maybe just fangirls who know how it feels, because they are the one who have a non-sense head over heels in love all over the time. What thing that comes in your mind when you hear the word â€Å"fangirls†? Maybe just a bunch of weird girls who are too much obsessed with the artist whom they admire to death. Why are they so weird? Because commonly, fangirls always have their own world, their own strange hobbies, and their own reason for being so crazy. The things such as plastering their idol’s face as their phone wallpaper, sticking so many huge posters at their rooms, overreacting when their favorite songs from their precious boys are played at the public place, sighing desperately when their hardisk is running out of memory due to a bunch of photos and videos that are too precious to be deleted, and other nonsense actions; they just do it naturally and with no other purpose than their own satisfaction over the idols. They just want to feel close with their boys. Moreover, fangirls even often call them as their ‘‘husband’’. See? It seems like fangirls’ imagination is their last hope. The other thing about fangirl is for most of them, every single thing about their boys always matters. That is why they joined some fanbases that keep updating about their boys’ current condition all the time. And believe me it means trully literally, starting from what their idols are doing, if there is any newest clip or tv show, attending some events, or even just being spotted at a supermarket without wearing any make up. They keep sharing the information with the other fangirls all over the world. That’s why for these girls, living in social networking such as twitter and facebook is much more interesting than their own and always-boring-real life. Being a fangirl sometimes can also be very annoying to the people surrounding them. I mean, when their â€Å"love†, or should we call it as an â€Å"obsession† instead? Yeah, stuff like that goes into an extreme level, obviously people may look at them in an oh-i’m-so-irritated-by-this-creature way. For example, when two angirls meet each other for the first time, have a little chit chat, and then find out that they are admiring the same person in a same group, those two will dive into their own world. Those fangirls will easily connected and nonstop talking about the newest news from their idols and ignoring the others who keep staring at them all the times, wondering what they are excitedly talking about. That is the reason wh y people always ignore the fangirls when they started talking about the topic-that-god-and-them-who-only-know. Now, let’s move on some obstacles that might bother most of fangirls in this earth. One of them is that being a fangirl is extremely expensive, since they always have the urge to wipe out their credit cards or spend lots of money to buy every single album, postcard, DVD, photobook, and other merchandise that has their idol’s face on it. This collecting habit will make their wallet pathetically empty. The most ironic thing about this is, when their idols’ groups come to their country and hold a big concert with such a high price ticket, the fangirls would separate into two paths. The first, in the case of fangirls who fortunately come from the have family, or maybe already have salary from their job, they will easily buy the ticket with no hesitation, watch the concert excitedly, and form a smile that will never leave their face for at least one month later. Such a sweet memories~ In the other way, for those who do not have enough money to own the ticket, they will just cry to death all day long, knowing that they will just let their boys come to their country and perform perfectly as always on the stage without witnessing it by themselves. Their sorrowful faces won’t dissapear easily for sure. Do you think fangirl is nothing than just a weirdo because theye’re crying for something that isn’t worth it? They do know it by themselves but they just couldn’t deny the feeling. Even though their obsession towards the boys sometimes makes no sense, there is still some positive things that can be taken from those fangirls. One of them that is, the faith. They always keep the faith, no matter what mistake that their boy’s done, they will find the excuse behind it, apologize them, and continue supporting them as always. That’s why the artist wouldn’t be exist without their loyal, caring, and supporting fans behind them.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Descriptive Language and The Lady of Shallot Essay

Descriptive Language and The Lady of Shallot In any piece of lyrical poetry, authors must masterfully use the language of the poem to covey the intended meaning. In order to ensure the meaning is not lost, it is imperative that the author incorporates various aspects of the narrative to escalate the poem past its face value. Alfred Tennyson’s poem â€Å"The Lady of Shallot† is no exception to the rule. From lines like â€Å"blue unclouded weather† and â€Å"the gemmy bridle glitter’d free†, one can draw that descriptive language is Tennyson’s tool to revealing the underlying meaning (Griffith 334). In each of the four parts of â€Å"The Lady of Shallot†, Tennyson uses descriptive language to convey his intended meaning to the audience. Tennyson†¦show more content†¦All of Part I sets up the rest of the poem, and Tennyson’s use of descriptive language makes the reader feel as if they are right there, witnessing the events first hand. The second part of â€Å"The Lady of Shallot† reveals much more of the outside world than the confines on the tower of Shallot. Tennyson uses Part II to show the Lady of Shallot’s need for contact with the brilliant world he has built through vivid description. It begins by speaking of the â€Å"magic web with colors gay† which â€Å"she weaves by night and day† (Griffith 333). This small passage is quite important to the rest of the story. By describing this â€Å"magic web† that the Lady of Shallot painstakingly spends all her time on, Tennyson is conveying a message much bigger. In this stanza, the â€Å"magic web† is the Lady of Shallot’s life. She constantly works on this â€Å"web† and it is all she has ever know. And as she weaves, the Lady of Shallot gazes through a mirror and sees â€Å"shadows of the world† (Griffith 333). And this is exactly what she is witnessing, shadows; since she isn’t involved wit h this outside world, the happenings are never more than images—never reality. The Lady of Shallot contently continues â€Å"to weave the mirrors magic sights† (Griffith 333). She then witnesses â€Å"a funeral, with plumes of light†, and even â€Å"two young lovers lately wed†Show MoreRelated Illustrated in the poems The Lady of Shalott and Ulysses by Alfred Lord1347 Words   |  6 PagesIllustrated in the poems The Lady of Shalott and Ulysses by Alfred Lord Tennyson, The Door by Mir slave Holub and The Girl in Times Square, a novel by Paulina Simmons. Change gives us roots; continuity gives us branches letting us stretch and grow to reach new heights. Living as we know it wouldn’t exist if change didn’t occur. This ability to continue changing is the only true security we have. This is illustrated in the poems ‘The Lady of Shalott† and ‘Ulysses’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson